Here’s a shock: I’m impatient. I want what I want when I want it, on my time table. I hear myself telling my kids that waiting is part of life, and I know it is both intellectually and experientially, but sometimes I catch myself thinking ahead to what I’m looking forward to, that I don’t see what’s right in front of me. This is especially true with my kids. At ages 3, 5, and 8, it’s not uncommon for me to think ahead to how much “easier” or “more fun” life will be when they’re older. Looking forward to milestones
When you really think about it, what are some of your deepest desires? Someone asked me this the other day, and I really sat down to think about it. Of course there are material things that would make life easier (like an in-home personal chef and maid combo–ha!), but in all honesty the main thing that came to mind is the desire to have a close mom friend. I want a mom friend who has kids similar ages to mine, where we can just get together without any planning, we’re always over at each other’s houses, we can help each